Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 months plus

Well its now been 2 months and 12 days since Isasc came into the world. And I don't have a lot to report. We have been on a few outings to the shops and are trying to take Indi for lots of walks.

We have been going to our required mothers group and heard all about how good sleepers all the other babies are. Then we went to a breast feeding association group meeting and were relieved to find out that we were in fact normal and that not all babies sleep through the night from 8 weeks old. For the record I think Isaac is doing really well in the sleeping deparment now and I only have to get up about twice in the night. And he's really easy to get back to sleep so no complaints from me.

We went to the zoo with Tori, Shel and Ian on the weekend. That was fun, although I don't think Isaac wasn't really old enough yet to really enjoy it and spent a lot of time sleeping on dad.

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